The combined device BHS 201 DUO by the manufacturer Body Health, Argentina, will be presented by NOVIZ to the visitors within the new theme of the international exhibition for medicine and dental medicine BULMEDICA/BULDENTAL – DERMA&AESTHETICS.
It includes several key activities – HImFU + Dermo Health® + DermoLeds + Microdermabrasion with diamond discs. The combined device firstly combines a revolutionary non-invasive liposculpturing method – HImFU – high-intensity focused 2.9 MHz ultrasound. Proven efficiency even after the first procedure. Reduces fat deposits and cellulite. It gives visible and lasting results that can be compared with liposuction without the drawbacks of invasive intervention.
Secondly, the device includes a time-proven and well-established solution for all stages of cellulite and local fat deposits in the problem areas – Dermo Health – body vacuum therapy combined with Dermoleds. It is a non-invasive method that mobilizes skin tissues and stimulates microcirculation. The benefits of applying it are improvement of the blood circulation, creating lymphatic drainage. It also facilitates toxin disposal and destruction of fat deposits. It also accelerates lipolysis in the deepest layers of the adipose tissue. Thirdly, the apparatus achieves a DERMO HEALTH face lift + DERMOLEDS.
Benefits of applying this therapy:
– At the skin level:
Increased elasticity and tightness of the skin as a result of the better blood supply and supply of nutrients. Restored fresh look of the skin thanks to the rapid removal of dead cells.
– At the subcutaneous level:
Stimulated lymphatic and venous circulation and of the cells responsible for the production of collagen and elastic fibers. The skin’s tightness is thus restored and it acquires a fresh and radiant complexion.
– After surgical interventions:
It helps post-surgical drainage in lifting procedures. In combination with ultrasound destroys existing fibroses.
The procedure with Dermoleds® consists in chromatherapy – the positive effect of light emitted by LEDs for the activation of cell receptors, which leads to an increase in collagen production.
Fourthly, the combined device can be used for microdermabrasion with diamond single-use disks.
Thanks to a series of demonstrations, professionals will be able to learn more about the advantages of the BHS 201 DUO combined device at BULMEDICA/BULDENTAL. The company is also preparing a series of demonstrations of all devices that will be exhibited in Hall 1, Stand C11.
Ползи от прилагането на терапията:
– На ниво кожа:
Увеличава се еластичността и стегнатостта на кожата, в резултат на по-доброто кръвоснабдяване и доставяне на хранителни вещества. Възвръща се свежият вид на кожата, благодарение на бързото отстраняване на мъртвите клетки.
– На подкожно ниво:
Стимулира се лимфно-венозната циркулация и клетките, отговорни за продуцирането на колагенови и еластинови нишки. По този начин се възстановява стегнатостта на кожата и тя придобива свеж и сияен тен.
– След хирургични интервенции:
Спомага за пост-хирургично дрениране при лифтинг процедури. В комбинация с ултразвук разрушава съществуващи фибрози.
Процедурата с Dermoleds® се състои във въздействие на светлината, излъчена от светодиоди за активиране на клетъчните рецептори, което води до увеличаване продуцирането на колаген.
Комбинираният апарат прави и микродермабразио с диамантени еднократни дискове.
На БУЛМЕДИКА/БУЛДЕНТАЛ професионалистите ще успеят да научат повече за предимствата на комбинирания апарат BHS 201 DUO, благодарение на поредица от демонстрации. Компанията подготвя демонстрации и на всички апарати, които ще бъдат изложени в зала 1, на щанд C11.