Glycated hemoglobin as a marker for the diagnosis of diabetes

One of the most important markers for diagnosing diabetes is glycated hemoglobin. Details on its formation, functions and importance were provided by Tsvetelina Tsakova, Ioana Serafimova and Martina Momchilova. As part of the presenters from the Yordanka Filaretova Medical College, within the framework of the side-events program at Bulmedica / Buldental 2017, they delivered the […]

Технологиите с неограничени възможности в медицината

3D принтирането навлиза все по-масово в съвременното ежедневние. Доказателство за това е увеличаването на сферите, в които се прилага. То се използва в автомобилната индустрия, архитектурното моделиране, скулптурите, дизайна, производството на мебели и все по-масово навлиза в областта на медицината и денталната медицина. Доказателства за това са и модерните 3D принтери, които посетителите на изложението […]

The ultrasound device – the doctor’s eye

When future parents understand that they will be blessed with a baby, questions arise about the physical condition of the fetus and its development. One of the main ways for professionals to track pregnancies and for the happy couples to get acquainted with their child before birth is the ultrasound device.

Comprehensive body care in a natural way

Walking around the full halls of Bulmedica / Buldental you will surely come across a booth that consults everyone who wishes to learn what is the overall condition of his body.

Useful tips for ceramic veneers and onlays at Bulmedica / Bulendal 2017

The interesting side-events program of Bulmedica / Buldental continues on the second day of the specialized international exhibition for medicine and dental medicine. During the 2nd Dental Tribune Conference @ Buldental, specialists received valuable information and advice on ceramic veneers and onlays during the lecture “Ceramic veneers and onlays. How did the development of materials […]

Нозокомиалните инфекции в интензивните отделения

Какво е „нозокомиална инфекция“, какви инфекции от този тип има и какви са мерките, които медиците взимат за предотвратяването им – това бяха само част от въпросите, на които присъстващите на лекцията „Нозокомиалните инфекции в интензивните отделения“ откриха отговори. Събитието бе част от съпътстващата програма на изложението Булмедика/Булдентал 2017, което се провежда от 17 до […]

3D printing in dentistry

Modern technologies, innovations and topical issues in medicine and dentistry are among the highlights of this year’s side-evets program at Bulmedica/Buldental 2017, which is held from 17 to 19 May at Inter Expo Center. The topic of 3D printing in dentistry was discussed during the 2nd Dental Tribune Conference @ Buldental.

Screening tests for diabetes risk for visitors at Bulmedica / Buldental

The National Association “Diabetes, Pre- Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome” will carry out screening for the risk of diabetes during the medical exhibition Bulmedica / Buldental. Thanks to a validated FindRisk test, it will be clear what the risk of diabetes will be in the next 10 years for every visitor.