Водещи компании в сферата на медицината и здравето са партньори на изложение БУЛМЕДИКА/БУЛДЕНТАЛ/ДЕРМА & ЕСТЕТИКА 2023
Скринингови изследвания за диабет се провеждат на изложение БУЛМЕДИКА / БУЛДЕНТАЛ / ДЕРМА & EСТЕТИКА
Кои събития фокусират медицинските, денталните и дерматологичните специалисти от 31 май до 2 юни?

Search and rescue operations are among the activities of the Bulgarian Red Cross

The Bulgarian Red Cross will celebrate its 140 years anniversary this year.

For yet another year, it will participate with initiatives at the international exhibition Bulmedica/Buldental. This year, as part of their policy for the benefit of the people, the volunteers of the organization will make a series of demonstrations and will inform about the activities of the Bulgarian Red Cross throughout the year.

The Bulgarian Red Cross organizes:

  • Demonstrations of search and rescue operations for people buried under avalanche, ruins, etc. with an operative dog undergoing special training, and a rescuer
  • Demonstrations for providing first aid to volunteers from youth emergency teams
  • Presentations of other activities