Водещи компании в сферата на медицината и здравето са партньори на изложение БУЛМЕДИКА/БУЛДЕНТАЛ/ДЕРМА & ЕСТЕТИКА 2023
Скринингови изследвания за диабет се провеждат на изложение БУЛМЕДИКА / БУЛДЕНТАЛ / ДЕРМА & EСТЕТИКА
Кои събития фокусират медицинските, денталните и дерматологичните специалисти от 31 май до 2 юни?

The new prevention system from DEMACOM

Durr Dental Lunos air-flow system. This innovative product will be presented to us by DEMACOM.

Manufactured by Durr Dental, Germany, as a first-class prevention system, it provides a radiant smile. “MyFlow is designed so that only a few interruptions in treatment are needed,” the company commented.

With a specially designed nozzle with powder-water jet for the Lunos® prevention system, the path to a radiant smile is easy and convenient. The low probability of clogging contributes to the optimal flow, thanks to the perfectly matched components, the fully machined processing and the ergonomically designed and perfectly balanced nozzle.

By the principle of the replaceable chamber, the containers can be filled with powder before and during treatment. Changing them is easy and fast. The nozzles and the individual parts can be disinfected thermally and in an autoclave. The product is available for turbine couplings of KaVo, Sirona, W&H, BienAir and NSK, and the customer also receives an optional nozzle.