Водещи компании в сферата на медицината и здравето са партньори на изложение БУЛМЕДИКА/БУЛДЕНТАЛ/ДЕРМА & ЕСТЕТИКА 2023
Скринингови изследвания за диабет се провеждат на изложение БУЛМЕДИКА / БУЛДЕНТАЛ / ДЕРМА & EСТЕТИКА
Кои събития фокусират медицинските, денталните и дерматологичните специалисти от 31 май до 2 юни?

Free radicals analyzer “BIODoctor BS 401”

BIODOCTOR company offers health care through the application of proven traditional methods, combined with the most modern and integrative medical practices for diagnosis and therapy, based on the natural power of nature.

The free radicals analyzer device “BIODoctor BS 401” was produced by BIONICS CORP. – KOREA. This is a device for bloodless examination of free radicals by analysis of urine (preferred for its painless and low cost). The test is important because they are responsible for more than 70 types of disease, including cancer, diabetes, brain and cardiovascular diseases, acute and chronic inflammation, accelerated aging and many others. It registers the levels of damage before tumor markers applied at a later stage.

The company’s products can be found in hall 1, booth D1.