We will find various solutions in the field of implantology, in accordance with the most modern indicators, at the stand of Bredent Group Bulgaria. Among them will be SKY Fast & Fixed and SKY Elegance.
SKY Fast & Fixed is a proven concept for immediate recovery. The bredent SKY Fast & Fixed system allows the patient to get a brand new smile in just one day – with implants and prosthetic elements of German quality. SKY Fast & Fixed cases have been documented for more than 15 years.
SKY Elegance
“Used for years for prosthetic purposes, the Poli-Ether-Ether-Ketone material has been refined by bredent and called BioHPP to offer optimal physiological and biocompatible prosthetic solutions,” the company said. Thanks to its elasticity similar to that of bone, the SKY Elegance superstructures protect the implant from overload during the healing period and are an ideal solution for the One abutment-One time concept.
We will find the offers of Bredent Group Bulgaria in hall 3, stand D4.