Водещи компании в сферата на медицината и здравето са партньори на изложение БУЛМЕДИКА/БУЛДЕНТАЛ/ДЕРМА & ЕСТЕТИКА 2023
Скринингови изследвания за диабет се провеждат на изложение БУЛМЕДИКА / БУЛДЕНТАЛ / ДЕРМА & EСТЕТИКА
Кои събития фокусират медицинските, денталните и дерматологичните специалисти от 31 май до 2 юни?

Ceramicmaster E3000 automatic programmable oven for metal-ceramics and all-ceramics

Ceramicmaster E3000 automatic programmable oven for metal-ceramics and all-ceramics features a 7-inch TFT display, tempered glass, touch-sensitive buttons for commands and settings. Graphic display of process progress. Optional 255 pre-programs. 16 programmable settings parameters.

LcCast 600T is a desktop machine for induction melting and centrifugal casting of metal. The casting machine can melt all metals used in dental industry. Its compact size and low weight for placing it on a table, cabinet or other furniture to save space.

From Equator – System of abutments, reducing the distance in mobile-bearing prosthesis. The reduced abutment height allows for better planning, a possibility of elaborating more sophisticated constructions. The teflon slots provided for the system provide very good reliability and durability. Increased wear resistance.

All products by VOP Ltd. can be found in Hall 2, booth A3.

Every day during the fair, at an odd hour, there will be presentations by the Italian company Rhein83. There will be presented innovations in company’s product range and various solutions with their systems.

If requested by the customers, there will be carried out demonstrations of the machines from VOP Ltd.