Водещи компании в сферата на медицината и здравето са партньори на изложение БУЛМЕДИКА/БУЛДЕНТАЛ/ДЕРМА & ЕСТЕТИКА 2023
Скринингови изследвания за диабет се провеждат на изложение БУЛМЕДИКА / БУЛДЕНТАЛ / ДЕРМА & EСТЕТИКА
Кои събития фокусират медицинските, денталните и дерматологичните специалисти от 31 май до 2 юни?

Dental device, X-ray system and a unit at the booth of DeMaCom

Among the products to be highlighted by DeMaCom at the edition of BULMEDICA / BULDENTAL is the dental X-ray system Durr Dental VistaIntra, manufactured by Durr Dental, Germany. Durr Dental has also added high-frequency dental X-ray unit to its portfolio. In combination with other products for visualization, the company achieves outstanding image quality, now from one provider.

Dental 3D / 2D unit

This is the Owandy I-Max 3D / 2D Dental Unit, created by Owandy Radioligy, France. It is a combined device for panoramic and 3D wall mounted checks. The product is distinguished by its outstanding compactness, while providing plenty of opportunities for people who use it.

Dental unit

DemoCom will also offer the dental unit QUETIN K2, created by Airel-Quetin, France. The manufacturer of dental units Airel-Quetin is already in Bulgaria. The dental units feature elegant design, high quality and exceptional ergonomics.

DemoCom products can be found in Exhibition Hall 2, booth D1.
